I am almost finished reading Heading Home with your Newborn, and I also have the Be Prepared handbook for new dads, so I will have some clue what to do once you are born. I was terrified of making a mistake that could harm you, so now I feel a little more steady. Now armed with some fairly obvious knowledge that was easy to obtain, I wonder how any parent could do some of the things they carelessly do.
Because of how it can impact you, I have a sudden dis-empathy for anyone who feels the need to smoke cigarettes constantly. I don't know how you're ever going to be able to see your grandpa...
A flaw of mine is having a standard that doesn't allow me to stay focused, I get angry at the careless actions of others and start to react to them- I am trying to build up some new mental constitution so I can keep my focus on protecting you and avoid being distracted by the stupidity of others around us.