Monday, June 27, 2011

checkpoint: half birthday

to the date.... 6 months since your birthday. really you've been around over a year now. We've gotten to have mother's day and father's day twice. You've met all your grandparents and struggled with your jaundice, continuing reflux, and early teething. I do want you to grow up, but I will miss this tiny you so much. You may be on the path to a huge amount of learning, but you really don't know how much teaching you are actually creating. You open a new realm of interactivity for me. You are small and your communication doesn't contain implied messages. The cues you generate seem to be exactly tuned to my mind. I can interact with you much more freely, with ease & enjoyment that simply does not occur with others. I don't have to wonder how to do/say the right thing. Figuring out your needs is still a challenge, but your communication will progress soon. You make familiar something that has always felt a little strange: friend. I will solely possess the memories of your earliest life, before you get the chance to start retaining memories. We have made documentation though that you will be able at least to re-observe what your earliest life looked like and sounded like... from our perspective. The feelings you pass to me with every cue form the memory of what being new feels like, though you won't get a memory of this.. I can tell you when you're older.